My Wednesday Wishes for the week:
1) An Instant Family - The Hubster and I just put an adoption inquiry in for siblings. 11, 7 and 3. Not being able to have kids of our by now, we've been seriously considering adopting. Why not? Our pets are all adopted. Why shouldn't our kids be as well? We won't love them any less. These three are in an emergency shelter because there isn't a foster home willing to take all three. They're active kids - perfect for an active couple. I'm already picturing Saturday soccer and football games. So, if it's meant to be Wednesday, make it BE!
2) A to Z Challenge Blog Posts done - I signed up for this, but now I'm trying to figure out what to do about it. With my rewrite, I just don't know that I'll have time to blog, rewrite, work a real job and visit numerous blogs per day. I'm not sure there is enough time in the day for this. With the possibility of parenthood looming on the horizon, I feel that my focus needs to be elsewhere. There are things to be done to get the house ready for children as well. We shall see what happens when April 1st rolls around. I don't fancy myself a quitter. But that part of me is warring with the part that wants to take the entire month of April off from blogging. I would visit my usual favorite blogs, but not feel the pressure to visit a bunch of blogs. What to do, what to do, what to do.
3) Radiation Keeper Box - I want a magical box that will store endless amounts of radiation. All I have to do is push a button and it will suck up all the radiation that has seeped out of nuclear plants in disasters. Although, I probably need numerous boxes to suck up the radiation at every plant. I don't doubt it seeps out on its own already. Not at super high levels, but I do think there is some escaping. Case in point - San Onofre. About a decade ago, a pregnant cat was dumped off the freeway by the plant. It gave birth next to one of the reactors. The cat and kittens were rescued but had to be held on the base for several months until they were done peeing out radiation. Several months. All they did was lay next to a reactor that we are being told is completely safe and not seeping. Anyway, this box would be great and I could gift it to the people of Japan at the moment with the idea that they would give it to the next country who needed it. Because you know there is just too much money in nuclear power and the companies are far too powerful for it to ever be eliminated or reduced. We'll continue to push forward with it regardless of how many people it affects in the long run. The box would even things out a bit. The greedy could be greedy and the innocent would continue to be safe!!
What about you - what are your wishes for our magical little cat?