How groovy were our drill team outfits? I love the superhero belts. You should have seen the hats. Maybe next time.
High school poetry - was there anything like it? My friend
Jes shared a piece of one of her poems, though recently written on her blog this week and inspired me to dig some of mine out.
NATURE'S WONDER Blanketed by gray
the tree stands proud,
branches jut out
like a defiant chin.
white as doves,
challenge the gloomy atmosphere.
This creation watches
while clouds kidnap the sun,
and hungrily devour the blue.
It drinks in drops
of rain
like dry, cracked ground
in a desert.
The tree
dances with the wind
gyrating left then right,
politely bowing to its partner
when the day escapes.
I actually won the senior poetry competition with that one. I wrote it on a Saturday morning in an overcrowded English Comp room under the watchful eyes of my two favorite teachers.
And just because it's fun, I'm going to share a few childhood photos with you. I come by creativity honestly - though my Mom's takes an entirely different form. When we were little, she made ALL of our clothes. She could work magic with fabric. Check it out!

That's my Mom (holding me) and my aunt. Can you believe how young she looks? She's 22. And she made her own dress.

My dad is STILL a horrible dresser (So my stepmom dresses him). Looking at this picture, my Mom really should have been doing that. I love this picture, though, because it is vintage "Gil".

As you can see, my love for animals went way back. And I'm holding the puppy exactly the way I teach young children NOT to hold it now. Check out the groovy pants Mom made me. So creative!

Easter. That's my baby brother, Drew. I love this picture for three reasons. First, the matching outfits Mom made us. Second, the expression on my face (can you tell I already dipped significantly into the Easter basket??). Third, the expression on Drew's face. It's classic dopey Drew. I say that with all the love a big sister has for her younger brother - the one she wanted to be a sister, the one who let her dress him up as a girl and played tea parties. And if you could see Drew today, you'd be shocked that I got a dress on him when he was four.
What about you - did you inherit your creativity? Do you have fun flashback poetry?
Have a GREAT weekend!!