How corny was that analogy? I needed an excuse to show you pictures of the cool wildlife in my yard and it fit with the writing process so there you have it.
I'm laughing as I prepare myself - Excel spreadsheet to meet my super anal needs down to every last detail about each agent and their agency. Query letter that has been written, rewritten, rewritten some more, ditched, written, rewritten, shared with published friends who have rewritten...but maybe it could be just a bit better. I've gone over my first thirty pages again and again. Trimmed the fat (or shed the feathers, in keeping with the above analogy). My Crit Group has helped tremendously. I am strong. The story is strong. It's ready to go.
Or is it?
I have a close friend who was getting ready to query last month. She kept hedging. I told her, "Just do it already!" Her story was more than ready. She needed to get it out there! I couldn't understand why she kept going back and forth and back again.
Now I do.
I probably could have queried a week ago. I'm nitpicking, which means that I'm stalling. This is scary stuff people. I've been hoping around on the ground being fed by people who know more than I do. I gathered the courage to get up on that fence and see what was out there. With more coaxing, I was able to make high up in that tree. The view is GLORIOUS! But it's a big, scary world out there for my little tiny book.
Jumping. Flapping my wings as hard as I can. And seeing where I can land. Wish me luck!
What about you - where is everyone in the writing process? Have you had help from others? Anyone ready to push you off because you are stalling?