Friday, May 21, 2010

Afternoon Naps

If there is one thing my pets excel at it, it's the Afternoon Nap! Sometimes I like to take a page from their book, slow things down and take a snooze with them. Today was one of those days. I had a million things to do, but I set them all aside, found a nice place in the sun and drifted off to sleep. It's so nice to shirk responsibility every so often, to take that time for me!

Sometimes they nap with a buddy!

Sometimes they nap with a toy!

Sometimes they nap IN a toy!

Sometimes they nap alone!

Then they wake with a yawn, well rested, to get on with their day!

Well, maybe they don't get on with the rest of their day. Maybe they just move to their next nap spot. I, on the other hand, get on with MY day!

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